Joanna Malinowska
Professional Hypnotherapist
Sydney Hypnotherapy & Self Hypnosis Centre

Clients Feedback from Hypnotherapy for Public Speaking & Business Coaching
*Disclaimer: This page contains short feedback from emails written by clients, in their own words. Every client and every situation is unique, so result may vary from person to person
Male, 37, anxiety and strong phobia of public speaking
*"I wanted to drop you a quick message regarding the success from today! I had a 15 minute presentation to do to 25 very senior people in my business around the boardroom. In short....absolute success!!! After a little panic the night before and some frantic over preparation, I used the techniques you had taught me and managed to get a very good night of deep sleep! Went to work early and did a couple of dry runs to my self the went to the lengthy meeting. I was half way through the agenda which could have been a problem. This has usually been the time I work myself into a very nervous situation and then panic when it's my time! I remained calm and when it came to my time I held my head high and barely had to look at my notes! I had a very attentive audience asking lots of questions and even over ran my slot by some considerable time! Following the presentation I then presented a further paper in relation to the presentation! Some huge praise from the chair of the meeting and some very glowing nodding round the table. My boss was complimentary of the team who all peformed well and even called me the golden child!!
Thanks so much for helping me build and create a base of presenting confidence, this enables me to, without complacency, attack each new presentation and talking situation with energy that I'm not going to struggle!"
Female, 53, blushing, anxiety, phobia of public speaking from her tees, could not open her mouth even during small team meetings, now presenting to the crowd of 200 people
*"Thank you for seeing me last Saturday. Both presentations were highly successful (phew). I was nervous but kept repeating your words (a little adrenaline will make me perform better) and once I was up there after two slides things just flowed and I enjoyed it. Who would have thought??!"
Male, 59, phobia of public speaking
*"Wow, you are a marvel. The 2 sessions I had with you was the best experience I've had and absolutely overcome my fear of public speaking.
The family reunion was great and everyone commented on the delivery of my speech. One comment that blew me away was that I spoke from the heart and it was exactly what you had said that I was going to do. I cannot thank you enough and wish I had met you much earlier in my life as I could have progressed much further in my professional career as a result."
Male, 39, business executive
*"I have returned from NZ and surprise, surprise I have survived and come back in one piece. I had several meetings in different formats from breakfast meetings to a boardroom meeting and all went well. There were still some nerves which are natural but I did not feel like “running away” as usual and actually enjoyed the experience and felt empowered. Many thanks for your help over the last few weeks."
Male, 29, army officer
*"The results from my session were immediate and amazing. Before I was terrified of speaking in public, but after one hour with Joanna I knew that this problem was coming to an end, and I gave a stress-free presentation two days later!"
Joanna's comment: The client was exceptional, usually it takes more than one hour.
Female, 39, phobia of presentations
*"The symposium went really well yesterday, I was completely calm and confident and even threw in a bit of humor.
I wasn’t sure if hypnotherapy could help me at first because I didn’t really know how it worked. What I did know is that when I had a confident feeling inside me I could do anything and feared little.
Hypnotherapy teaches your subconscious to delete all the negative thoughts and feelings of past experience and start from the now. Its not scary and you are always in control. The more you work with the therapy the stronger the confidence and the calmness inside."
Male, 31, IT developer
*"Well I have say it worked! Leading up to my demonstration I did the breathing exercises and the thought of public speaking didn't really concern me, I felt quite calm really.
On the day there were a few nerves but when I began it was actually quite easy and I didn't get nervous or stumble at any point. Thinking of that funny pig did help too!
Thanks so much, if I decide to take up smoking or something I will be in touch!"
Female, 45, CS manager
*"I think I did well if not perfect. My boss said after the meeting that the presentation was good, also another girl said 'thank you, your presentation solved my long time questions'. This was my big reward and I am a bit happier person now."
Male, 31, university student
*"I had a short 10 minute presentation the next day and I must say that I had a marked improvement but I still need some further improvement. Halfway through, I felt the audience was losing attention I started speeding up the reading and I had to remember to concentrate on my breathe again and my voice quivered for a while but I later got back into the rhythm again."
Female, 32, phobia of presentations
*"The presentation went really well. I was still feeling a bit nervous just before, but once I stood up and started speaking I felt really comfortable. I received really positive feedback from a number of people and was even told ‘I was a natural’ which was probably the best thing I could have heard. So a big thank you for helping me build up my confidence."
Male, 32, overseas student, phobia of presentations and anxiety about study
*"My confidence is great everything is much better after hypnotherapy. My presentation was much better, I didn't felt much nervousness anymore. The self hypnosis works also very good, after 10-15 minutes of self hypnosis I feel much more relaxed than before. I'm very happy with the good results. My studies are also going fine it's a lot of work to do but I like my courses it's very interesting and I think I made the right decision. Thank you very much."
Female,27, public speaking phobia, one session a just one day before presentation (I usually recommend to see me earlier)
*"I got through the presentation today just fine thank you. I really think the session helped a lot to keep me calm this morning. I was a bit nervous, but not panicking like I have been!"
Female, 34, social anxiety, public speaking phobia
*"Thanks to you my wedding speech was fantastic! I had no nerves and in fact felt incredibly confident and was able to give an articulate and heart warming speech. It felt fabulous!
I actually had heaps of people come up to me afterwards gushing that it was the best wedding speech they had ever heard!!! I was hoping to just get through it without stumbling but to be able to deliver a great speech was beyond my wildest dreams! Cannot thank you enough! I think my sessions with you helped enormously!"
Male, 52, fear of starting new business
*"Thank you for today. I used to think / feel that what happens externally affected me internally & that still true, but I've also verified my internal world affects the external. I don't believe in coincidence any more. By the time I got home I got 3 new clients booked in for next week. And I feel ready for a new chapter& like I've shed and old skin. Does this all make sense? "
Male, 42, worries, anxiety, high level of work related stress
*"I've been able to make great progress with the business skills you were able to help me harness. My communication is clear and direct, and my planning is making a very clear difference to my business. Fabulous. Thanks."
Female, 30, low self-esteem, needed confidence and motivation for her startup business
*"I am writing to you today to thank you for having guided me on the right path. The future seems to arrive as expected. I am very pleased with your help. Everything happens so fast... Suddenly all my life changes around me ! In my professional job, I am surprised that everything has gone so well... and looking at life from a different angle, it's really the very best now. Such happiness, such joy! ...On emotional terms, everything is going well."