Joanna Malinowska
Professional Hypnotherapist
Sydney Hypnotherapy & Self Hypnosis Centre

Clients Feedback About Hypnothrapy to Stop Fear o Flying & Other Phobias
*Disclaimer: This page contains short feedback from emails written by clients, in their own words. Every client and every situation is unique, so result may vary from person to person
Female, 47 extreme fear of flying, fear of heights from early childhood
*"Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed my helicopter flight!! Bit of a long story but we got caught up in the Fiji Cyclone and delayed by two days but I was forced to sit without Mike in the front seat and held on for like 2 minutes then I was totally fine just unbelievable. The pilot was taking a selfie video and texting at the same time.... coming back I was in the back by myself again and it was like you say it should be 'enjoyable' and words can't express how grateful I am for our sessions together and putting my fear behind me. Mike and I are off to Europe in March, very long flight but I will be fine and the movie I was picturing in my mind had us at the Eiffel Tower and that is exactly where we will be funny how life is all falling into place I am so excited with what our next life experience together will be!"
Female, 21, performance phobia - fear of driving test
*"Thank you very much for helping me out. I was able to pass my test and also to sleep the night before with the help of your exercises, especially the one about holding the finger associated with the relaxing place."
Female, 60, fear of dogs
*"I am improving all the time although I haven't been to the park yet (with lots of dogs off the leads) but I will do it soon and I'll let you know how I get on. I can pass dogs in the street on or off the leads without any problems and I have also patted a few dogs (with their owners consent) and have managed to be calm and not scared.
You are welcome to use any of this on your website to assist others. If I do need any more help, I will certainly come back and see you."
Male, 36, fear of blood, fainting on the sight of blood
*"Sorry for the late message I was very busy with work and also away for a bit, thank you very much for you help. I had my blood tests done long ago. Today my son cut his finger and it was bleeding. I put a bandage on it. I did not faint, I was totally in control. I could comfort my son, and it means a lot to me."
Female, 37, dental phobia
*"I feel a great deal better with being able to fix my teeth. You have worked wonders. I wish I did it long ago..."
Boy, 12, dental phobia
*"You saw my son on Saturday for his second hypnotherapy session for a dental phobia. I wanted to let you know that he saw his orthodontist this morning and was able to get an impression made for a plate (and a number of awkward photographs of his mouth). He was fantastic!"
Female, 60, fear of heights
*"You might remember that I saw you for a couple of hypnotherapy sessions to try and overcome my fear of heights.
I am attaching a photo of me having a ride in the cable car at the Blue Mountains today.
I also went on the scenic railway, and the cable car that goes up the side of the Blue Mountains.
I had an amazing day, and absolutely no fear at all.
I was walking around the cable car taking photos, and looking at the scenery in awe.
I am now wondering what I can do next, so I can't thank you enough.
I feel confident that the balloon ride in Turkey will be an absolute joy, and I could not be happier."
Male, 50, anxiety and phobia about being in cast (broken leg)
*"Last night I did my secret word and fell asleep. I didn’t have any anxiety about by cast and everything was looking fine.At no stage I did have any bad feelings about my cast and even all day today I haven’t even noticed it till now. (...)
I have had a couple self –sessions at work- they have worked and my finger has done the job as well!!!!
I feel I am on my way to my destination, thank you."
Female, 23, anxiety, panic attacks, fear of driving, extreme fear of flying
"*"I have arrived safely in Las Vegas, my flights were all fine! Thank you so much for all your help I really appreciate it! I am having the best time here"
Male, 34, fear of flying
*"It has taken me so long to get back to you, life is hectic at the moment. Along with that hectic life there has been a couple of flights to Melbourne. This was something previously unthought-of without the help from some pretty heavy medication. For this I can't thank you enough as you I was on the verge of losing my job if I did not overcome this fear, which I thought at the time was not possible, especially in a matter of weeks. I am truly thankful. The flights themselves have been actually enjoyable with laughter filling a lot of the trip rather than fear and discomfort. Amazing, life changing, THANK YOU"
Female, 34, fear of flying
*"The therapy made a huge difference to my flight. I actually enjoyed take off. It was a perfect day and the view was spectacular. I even took photos of the view out the window! (see attached) When I did feel a little anxious about turbulence during the flight I was able to control it. Thank you for making it so much easier for me to fly. I am still practicing self-hypnosis whenever I can and find it helps me to relax when things are really busy with work and life in general."
Male, 27, fear of flying
*"The flight, I am very pleased to say was fine. The worst part was saying goodbye to my brother and girlfriend at the airport. ...I kept myself calm with the self-hypnosis method and everything was fine.
I am looking forward to a longer flight and the thought of flying back to the UK doesn't bother me now."
Female, 50, anxiety, wide range of phobias, especially claustrophobia, fear of crowds, fear of heights. Some specific fears causing panic attacks were fear of lifts and fear of flying.
*"Well I've done it! he plane trip to Melbourne was great. Our apartment was on 9th floor so I caught the lift all the time. I had a wonderful time away. I couldn't have done this trip without you. I can now plan other trips in the future."
Male, 38, fear of flying
*"The flight was generally ok, slightly uncomfortable on the outward journey, but fine on the way back.
I do now feel more confident after our last session and do feel that I can fly again and that with what we did last week, I will no longer need any other sessions. Thank you for your care and support"
Female, 27, extreme fear of flying
*"Joanna, I can’t thank you enough for your help in the last couple of months. The plane flight and the lead up to it was nothing but a breeze after your sessions. There was a little anxiety when the jets were fired up, but that was always normal for me. Once we started moving, I again felt mixed sensation of calm and the rush of going fast and taking off. I enjoyed the whole trip!
Once getting into Vietnam, I had no hesitation jumping on another plane, and then another, and then another. I truly think, with your help, that I had conquered my fear. The trip home on my own, which I was regretting, had me already planning my next trip abroad."
Female, 30, fear of flying
*"I just wanted to drop you an email to say thank you very much for your help. I flew to Melbourne after our
last session, then to Cairns, Sydney, Hong Kong and finally back home to England. I found the relaxation
techniques helped to manage my anxiety very well and I found the long haul trip much easier than last time.
Thanks again for your help."