Joanna Malinowska
Professional Hypnotherapist
Sydney Hypnotherapy & Self Hypnosis Centre

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss and Natural Healthy Eating
There is a better way to lose weight than dieting and self control or even a magic pill
Modern medication may work well, but it has side effects, sometimes serious. And it is not free. One day you have to stop and the weight creeps back.
My unique weight loss hypnotherapy process is a powerful yet gentle way to manage weight and restore your natural beauty by balancing the mind and reconnecting with the body.
The deep hypnotic trance allows the focus to reach the subconscious mind and to use it to reconnect with the body and restore the natural healthy eating on the body level. There are four aspects of natural eating which can be implemented in hypnosis, the four aspects of restoring the natural connections between the body and mind.:
1. Energy management. You can use hypnosis to explicitly ask your body to use its fat storage for energy. As the result you will feel more energetic, you will enjoy movement and exercise, the metabolic rate will increase and the body fat will start melting away.
2. Hunger. In hypnosis you can reconnect with your body so you will be hungry only when you need nutrients. And you will need less food, as your body will be using fat for the energy.
3. Cravings. When you restore this connection in hypnosis, you will notice with surprise that your body makes you crave healthy food naturally, and some other food becomes simply boring. Especially sugar.
4. Enjoyment and satisfaction. Your body knows how much food it needs. When you are connected with your body it tells you when to stop. It is an enjoyable satisfaction, much more pleasant feeling then being full.
Hypnotherapy process will also help you to balance and quiet your mind. It is easier to reconnect with the body and to lose weight naturally when you are not obsessed with your eating and your body shape. And if there are any psychological reasons which were making your weight loss so difficult, it is possible to solve it and to become free in just a few hypnotherapy sessions.
Hypnotherapy will help you find better ways to deal with stress and emotions, or to reward yourself, so you will not need food for that.
Hypnotherapy will help you to change your self-image even before you lose weight. You will learn to see your positive side, to be confident and to love yourself.
Relationships improve when you love yourself, but relationships issues affect us strongly and they are sometimes reasons of overeating and eating disorders. Hypnotherapy will allow you to solve the roots of your relationships problems.
Depression can be completely resolved with hypnotherapy. Depression is often the reason of excess weight, and being fat makes you even more depressed. Yet with hypnotherapy you can let it go even if you were depressed for years.
Hypnotherapy is the best tool to resolve the extreme forms of body and food obsessions, even eating disorders like emotional eating or binge eating and bulimia.
My Unique Three Sessions Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Process
My standard weight loss program consists of the initial 30 minutes FREE consultation, followed by three one-hour sessions, total investment of $750.
This unique three sessions weight loss program is suitable for most clients. The program uses hypnotherapy, not just simple hypnosis. It is individually tailored for the specific needs of each client, as everybody has different reasons for having weight issues and why they want to overcome them.
The first session is to experience the blissful state of total relaxation, to ease the emotional load, to learn how to quickly release stress and emotional triggers for overeating. The essence of the first session is to restore the natural connections between the body and the mind to reduce hunger, change cravings, remove sugar addiction and start using energy from the body fat instead of storing it. The eating naturally changes, body starts to balance itself back into the optimum weight. Most of the clients start losing weight after this first session.
The second session is dedicated to resolving the psychological reasons of weight issue. This usually results in replacing comfort or emotional eating with much better solutions, becoming more confident and motivated, mood shifts significantly and everything becomes easier. Once the mind becomes more balanced the body starts feeling lighter too. The body image changes ahead of the body physical changes, opposite than in traditional weight loss by dieting, when most of the dieters still feel fat even when they reach their slimming goal.
The third sessions is to strengthen motivation for exercise and to deepen balance between the body and the mind to implement lasting habits and behaviors. I may also teach active self-hypnosis. Clients learn self-hypnosis to relax, to stay motivated and to be able to deal with the future stress without becoming overweight again.
This program is assisted by my free mindfulness audio, I strongly recommend it after the first session, but it is open to everybody, everybody can enjoy it and become more peaceful and mindful without seeing me.
The sessions need to be booked three to seven days apart. Please check the Fees & FAQ page for all the info about sessions, free consultations, fess atc.
The Extended Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Process
Sometimes the excessive weight is the result of depression, anxiety, binge eating disorder, strong body and food obsession or even past trauma. When there is an overwhelming emotional disturbance, strong stress, anger and tension or very low self-confidence, apathy and helplessness you will need a few more sessions to deal with psychological problems first.
I can help you to completely resolve emotional issues caused by all past experiences, including the most traumatic past events, and you will need only a few more sessions for that. It is also possible to learn to deal differently with current situations, even most difficult and overwhelming, so you will not need to turn to food for comfort and emotional release.
This will be a life changing experience which you probably cannot even imagine now, because it is difficult to imagine the peaceful, content, blissful state of mind when you are in a deep dark emotional hole. Not to mention the body change which will follow.
The extended program can be bought separately per session or in three session’s blocks. There are also longer hypnotherapy sessions available, as it may be more beneficial to resolve deep trauma or a complex emotional disorder in one longer session. The longer sessions are also more cost effective. (you can check my fees here)
Overweight people are usually simply genetically programmed to be larger than others. They receive strong "eat now" signals from their bodies and their sense of smell and taste is more developed. Overweight people were traditionally the merry, jolly types (see Father Christmas) who used to enjoy the good food and good times and not be bothered by their padded shapes.
Most often, their bodies would just stay a little larger than average. However, in our society the padded shapes are not fashionable – the TV and magazines are full of skinny models and most people expect to be the same shape. The bigger people must put up with a lot of criticism, ridicule and name calling, and they are considered to be lazy and weak-minded. This usually starts at a very early age, even from parents and close family members, and then at school during the very important teenage years when confidence and self-esteem could be seriously affected. It leads to comfort eating, it may lead to serious excess weight, obesity and and even eating disorders.
Sometimes excess weight is a symptom of depression; depressed people tend to eat too much or too little. When they eat too much and they become overweight, they become even more depressed because of their looks. The vicious circle forms.
In this situation it is important to treat both depression and the underlying cause, together with the weight loss program.
Other reasons for weight problems
Very often the reason for being overweight is called comfort eating or emotional eating.
Sometimes people are overweight because their subconscious mind made such a decision to protect them. There could be many reasons for such a decision. Here are some examples:
The young girl was not happy with too much attention when her body started to develop. She found out that she could "hide out" by being fat.
A wife was not happy with the husband that was too demanding – the excess weight made her less attractive.
A wife wanted to stay faithful to her husband – being overweight was protecting her from flirting with other men.
A gay male was teased at school – being overweight made him feel big and strong.
A woman who was raped was protecting herself from another rape by being obese.
A young artist became obese when the auditions were too stressful, so he had a good excuse not to go for the auditions any more.
In the above situations, hypnotherapy will help to find the other way to have the same protection; and when this is done, the weight can be managed.
How many times have you successfully lost weight only to gain it back or add on even more?
Yo-yo dieting, where a person repeatedly loses and regains weight over and over again, is a common vicious circle which traps many overweight people. Some people struggle with this for most of their lives.
The cycle starts with a new brilliant diet that promises to shed those unwanted kilos quickly. The diet is usually very low in calories, often followed by an extensive exercise schedule. At first, the weight rapidly goes down so it seems a great success; emotions are high. But soon the body adapts and decides that energy must be conserved, so metabolism begins to slow down. The weight loss slows down too and at the same time the diet, which is usually very restrictive, becomes too difficult to follow. Results are not so great any more, so the mood drops and the dieter starts to neglect the diet and exercise. This leads to weight gain, and with the metabolism already slower, the weight creeps up higher.
Each repeated cycle leads to strong negative emotions, which makes the weight loss more difficult. Quite often the person becomes obsessed with weight loss and dieting, so it is difficult to maintain any healthy eating habits. The associated feelings are guilt, lack of control, very low self-esteem and even depression. The circle seems to have no end.
Hypnotherapy is very effective with yo-yo dieting because it deals with the emotions first, and once the negative emotions are resolved, a new approach to weight loss of healthy eating habits, rather than dieting, can be implemented.
How hypnotherapy can help you to loose weight?
The hypnotherapy will first find and solve the psychological reasons for being overweight, if any.
To lose weight you have to change your eating habits. Yes, I am sure you know it –you have to balance what you eat with what your body needs. Simple? Have you tried it? Hypnotherapy will make it much, much easier!
It will help you decide which eating plan is the best for you – hypnosis will help you access your subconscious mind and to choose the plan which you will enjoy, so it will be easy to stick with for life.
You will learn and implement natural eating habits in hypnosis by connecting and listening to your body on the subconscious level. Your body naturally knows when it needs food and what it needs to eat, and it will make you feel hungry and crave when and what it needs. This natural connection between the body and mind is lost in our civilisation in very early childhood.
It will lift your confidence and self-esteem before you even start losing weight.
It will boost your motivation.
It will help you to believe that you will achieve your goal.
It will help you to identify and change the patterns of overeating.
It will help you with your exercise plan (you will love your exercise).
It will maintain your weight loss. The hypnotherapy will help you change your eating habits for life, not just to stick with some diet for some time
You will learn to enjoy your food more than ever before, and without guilt. You have the gift of well-developed taste and smell, so you will learn to use your talents with pleasure and benefit your health and look.
What makes hypnotherapy for natural weight loss a better option than surgical gastric banding or hypnotic gastric banding (hypnoband or hypnobanding)?
Surgical gastric banding is a medical method of physically restricting food intake for the treatment of obesity. The medical industry advertises it widely and it has become very popular. The procedure is expensive, but it promises instant results. However, based on long term research [1], the results are not that good:
The long term medical risk is very high: one-in-three patients had serious complications in the seven-year period after the surgery, and one-in-five needed major surgery during this time.
The long term success rate is low: patients lose weight initially, but with time they find ways to overeat and the weight piles up again. According to research, the success rate is about 40% after seven years, and in this research the success means losing more than 25% of excess weight. For example, if the patient’s original weight was 120 kilos and the maximum healthy weight for this person is 70 kilos, the procedure counts as a success if the patient weighs 107 kilos. The research does not say how many patients actually lose all excess weight and stay within the healthy range.
The popularity of the surgical gastric banding led to the invention of “hypnobanding”, the virtual hypnotic gastric banding – cheaper and physically safe. However, the idea of using the power of the subconscious mind to restrict food intake by creating a gastric band is simply insane. The implementation of the virtual band uses the connection between the mind and the body to virtually deform the body and create the illusion of the physical symptoms of such deformation. How empowering is that? It may seem beneficial, but only in comparison to surgical gastric banding.
Hypnotherapy offers a much more effective and empowering solution to physical weight loss. In hypnosis, the mind connects directly with the body; in hypnosis, a person can directly ask the body to start using body fat for energy, with immediate results; in hypnosis, a person easily restores the other natural body–mind connections: natural hunger when the body needs food, natural cravings for healthy food, and the natural feeling of satisfaction when the body has had enough food. These are the natural functions of the body.
The natural connections between the body and mind can be restored by a skilled hypnotherapist in a single hypnotherapy session. The joy and freedom that comes with the implementation of natural, healthy eating accompanies the boost in energy that comes from the increased metabolic rate. It leads to natural enjoyment of physical activity. This is a natural method, restoring the way the body works, so it is implemented more simply than any virtual body deformations. Weight loss follows easily.
How exactly does hypnotherapy for natural weight loss implement natural healthy eating?
Natural, healthy eating is when you assist nature, when you assist your body by providing it with what it really needs. This is when you are connected with your body and you listen to its needs, so you eat exactly what your body needs and how much it needs, and you do it with joy and with love, feeling your body’s satisfaction, enjoying its happy response, its playful willingness to move and to exercise, the flow of energy through its every cell. Hypnotherapy is the perfect tool to help you reconnect with your body and to implement natural eating. The weight loss follows naturally.
Please read my article "Hypnotherapy for Natural Healthy Eating" where I explain in detail how natural eating is implemented in hypnosis and how it creates the natural weight loss.