Joanna Malinowska
Professional Hypnotherapist
Sydney Hypnotherapy & Self Hypnosis Centre

Hypnotherapy Help to Overcome Depression
I often help depressed clients. Sometimes people see me specifically seeking help for depression, usually being diagnosed years ago. Very often people seek help with some other issues, like emotional eating, obesity, lack of motivation, low self-esteem, anxiety, insomnia and unwanted thoughts. All of these issues could be symptoms of depression and the best treatment involves solving depression first.
I am aware that words like “solving depression” can cause disbelief in anybody who feels to live “in the black hole without bottom”, or “on the grey plane without light” (this is how quite often clients describe depression when in hypnosis). The truth is that most of my clients do exactly that, they solve their depression in just a few sessions. This involves:
Dealing with the original causes and reasons for depression
Changing their perceptions of themselves, other people and the world
Discovering for themselves new ways of peaceful, joyful acceptance
Finding solutions for current issues, implementing them and stabilizing future behavior
Miracles? Yes, because we are all miracles, we all have unlimited resources, and during the sessions, with some guidance from a skilled hypnotherapist, it is possible to access those resources and to make the needed changes.
Treating depression requires advanced skills and experience and is much more effective when you feel that you are understood and you can trust your hypnotherapist. The best way to check if the hypnotherapist is capable of helping you is to not only to check if it is a qualified registered professional, but also to meet face to face and to see if you can connect, if you feel comfortable and supported. This is why I offer a free 30 minutes hypnotherapy consultation. You can meet me, discuss your issues, ask your questions and see if we click. No obligations to continue hypnotherapy.
Depression is a serious illness. I will try to see you as soon as possible, but please seek immediate help when in crisis, especially if you feel suicidal. Here is a list of suggested services:
Lifeline – phone 13 11 14
Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800
Mensline 1300 789 970
Set an emergency appointment with your doctor (General Practitioner). If you do not have a doctor you can use White Pages to find a doctor locally.
Contact your local public hospital
If you are under medical supervision and your doctor or psychiatrist has prescribed you medication for your depression, do not stop taking your medication without your doctor supervision. I am not a medical professional and I am not making any diagnosis and giving you any advise about medications. It is your choice what treatment and which medication to use. However, you need to know that it is dangerous to completely stop taking your antidepressants or some other medications; it needs to be done gradually and you need to consult your doctor if you choose to do this.
Should I stop seeing other specialists?
It is your choice how you seek help for depression. As you are seeking help now, I understand that you are not happy with your current treatment; it does not work for you. I know that I can offer you very effective therapy and you will improve quickly. However, if you are seeing a doctor, I will be very happy to cooperate with your doctor and you will benefit more from this cooperation. If you are seeing a psychiatrist, it is better to tell your doctor about your decision of seeing me. Your doctor will know if there are any contradictions to hypnotherapy (this may be the case with an acute phase of mental psychotic illness). Your doctor will also be able to assess rapid improvements and advice you on stopping medication, if necessary.
If you are undergoing some other therapy and you are happy with the outcome, you may consider completing the therapy first and then seeing me, if necessary. If you are not happy with you current treatment, then why would you continue? Too much therapy at the same time is confusing and not very helpful.
Sometimes I have clients who see psychologist or counselors for a long time, even for years. They are comfortable with their therapist and they feel better when they have additional support while seeing me. I do not see any problems with this approach and I will be happy to cooperate with any other therapist.
How hypnotherapy will help you to overcome depression
Hypnotherapy is a therapy performed in hypnosis. In hypnosis, there is immediate access to the subconscious mind, to all the sources of sadness, the memories and events causing the emotional pain, so they can be cleared and neutralized. You have access to your internal resources, to see things differently, to change faulty decisions, to leave unhelpful emotions, to deal with them differently. Your subconscious mind can access many levels and make changes on the deepest soul level, on the cognitive level (the way you think), it can easily change habits (they are always subconscious) and behavior.
The subconscious mind is also the part of mind responsible for controlling you body, so it can simply ask the body to produce whatever it needs to produce to correct the chemical balance in your brain, if this is needed. For example, my quit smoking clients always use this ability of subconscious mind to remove the addiction to nicotine, so they do not experience cravings or withdrawals when they stop smoking.
What kind of therapy is performed during hypnotherapy treatment for depression?
I always use different elements of traditional psychotherapy or CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) in every session, so every session is a step in resolving the past and the causes of depression. There is also a very strong focus on living in the current moment and on accessing and applying new approaches.
Here I describe types of therapy I use with most clients, depending on their needs:
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, which focuses on how previous memories and events, especially from childhood, have changed your beliefs and behaviour. This kind of therapy could be very lengthy when done by a psychologist or psychotherapist, but it is very rapid with hypnotherapy, because all those memories are stored in the subconscious mind with all the resulting emotions. They can be easily accessed, resolved and left behind with the skilful use of hypnoanalytical methods.
Interpersonal Therapy helps to find new ways to enjoy your relationships. Depression is usually accompanied by social anxiety and low self-esteem, feeling of “not good enough”, worthless and sadness is accompanied by constant thinking and worrying what others think about us, feeling of being judged and criticized. You may get upset by people comments even if nobody was criticizing you. The therapy helps to see yourself and other people differently; again, it is rapid with hypnotherapy, because here the access to your internal resources is not blocked by the conscious part of your mind. The specific methods I use here involve Gestalt and NLP, together with some other humanistic approaches
Family Therapy, which focuses on the primary relationships with your family, especially your parents, but also other family members. The deeply ingrained emotions and feelings from those relationships affect deeply our decisions and choices and the way we think. Sometimes it is enough to realize and accept, sometimes we perceive facts through the “smoky glasses”, different from what they are, sometimes we carry other people judgments as ours. This is again very rapid with hypnotherapy. I usually use it with conjunction of the psychodynamic and interpersonal therapy.
Trauma Resolution Therapy, which is very useful for treating situational depression, resulting from some past trauma. It may be something from childhood, but it can be the recent past. It can be some strong trauma, like car accident or assault, but it can be also a prolonged period of emotional abuse, recent divorce, or anything else which was traumatic to the client. There are specific methods which I use in hypnotherapy to neutralize the effects of such stress
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), which involves both dealing with “negative thinking” and finding better ways to behave in every day situations. The CBT therapy is again faster and easier with hypnosis; and t is a bit more than classical CBT. On the cognitive level, it works differently; it is accepting and acknowledging the negative thoughts while seeing the truth of the positive thoughts. The CBT involves monitoring and fighting your thoughts. I do not like the term “negative thoughts”; it is OK to be aware of what you think and recognize it, but with hypnotherapy it does not matter, you learn to like yourself and accept yourself the way you are, so there is no positive and negative. And behaviour is easily changed using the subconscious mind. Everything you do makes sense, even “faulty behaviour” (like drinking) brings some benefits, some positive effects, and in hypnosis it is easy to access your resources and to find better ways to have those benefits.
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), which is very useful especially for the future coaching, for rehearsing the new happy behaviours and for accessing the new levels of confidence and motivation.
How many hypnotherapy sessions will you need
Usually only 5 to 7 hypnotherapy sessions are needed, even for long lasting depression. The first session is used to learn hypnosis and relaxation, and the benefits are experienced even in the first hypnotherapy session. In most cases there is strong improvement within the first 2 or 3 sessions, the emotions shift and clients feel better both physically and mentally, as they sleep better, eating improves and other habits change. During additional sessions the changes are made on the deepest level and the confidence with new behavior grows, so the change becomes permanent.
Depression is a serious disorder, strongly affecting health and general wellbeing and often even life threatening. The treatment I offer is very effective, one of the best available and therefore I offer a significant discount for the clients who experience real financial difficulties. I asses clients myself, because to qualify for the discount the client needs to be likely to really benefit from the therapy