Joanna Malinowska
Professional Hypnotherapist
Sydney Hypnotherapy & Self Hypnosis Centre

Why Hypnotherapy Has Such Extraordinary Benefits
How is it possible that hypnotherapy can help with such a wide range of issues, starting with annoying habits and behavioural issues like nail biting or waking up late for work through serious mental and physical illnesses, like depression, debilitating anxiety, eating disorders, asthma and even cancer? How could it be that it also allows achieving goals, finding hidden talents and mastering new skills to perfection? Could it be possible that the same therapy can help you complete a university degree, improve your golf, quit smoking and build loving and lasting relationships?
We usually seek a different doctor or mental therapist for different problems as it requires a lot of learning and experience to be able to medically diagnose and treat a serious condition. Is it possible for any therapist to have such a wide range of knowledge and experience?
The answer is yes and no. The therapist's experience and knowledge grows with every client, and since hypnotherapy is a short term therapy and the goals are reached in just a few sessions, a professional hypnotherapist usually sees many more clients than an average psychologist or counsellor, where the therapy may take years. The diversity of treated issues is also wider, and so is the knowledge and experience of the hypnotherapist.
However, the real power of hypnotherapy lies in its essence, in the fact that it uses hypnosis and allows the client to draw from unlimited internal resources. The hypnotic state is a phenomenon when the mind operates differently. We usually use knowingly just the surface of our mind, while all the habits, fears and subconscious beliefs are hidden deeper, not normally accessible to the logical, controlling part of the mind.
Our conscious mind is like the CEO of a huge organization, so it can focus on what it needs to do instead of reinventing every action over and over again. Once we learn new skills or how to act in a specific situation it becomes deeply imprinted in our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind works like "autopilot", we can act automatically and we do not need to think about that. A very good example is driving. When you start learning how to drive, you are conscious about each move, you need to be aware where you keep your hands, your feet, where the mirror is, how to switch indicators etc, but then it becomes automatic, you do not need to think about that.
The normal state of mind is perfect for the normal operating mode; but it may become a problem when we want to change our habits or subconscious beliefs. Quite often the subconscious behaviour or belief comes from early childhood, when our brain does not have the capacity of an adult. It may also be some traumatic experience from adulthood, when we are overwhelmed and frozen from fear. We do not understand, so we are afraid, we learn to cope and adapt, to avoid or run away and it becomes an automatic subconscious response. It may become a phobia or just biting nails, but also depression, a serious physical illness, eating disorder and many forms of mental disorders.
The conscious mind is not fully aware of the subconscious processes. For example, you may be suddenly hit by a terror when you stand up and start speaking in public, or have this empty feeling in the stomach and you keep eating when you are not hungry, or you are sad and crying not knowing why. You may try to reason and control it with your conscious mind, and it is possible to make changes this way, but it could take years of analysing yourself, working on yourself. The positive change may be so slow, that many people start believing that it is impossible to change.
To make the desired change we need first to free ourselves from the subconscious limiting beliefs and behaviours and then to find new solutions and master them to this level when it becomes part of us, an automatic response, the new habit, which operates on the subconscious level.
The hypnotic state allows this specific kind of focus so you can explicitly access the parts of subconscious mind where you need to make the change. The point is that when you can access the roots of the limiting subconscious beliefs, when you can revisit the moment when your unwanted behaviour has been formed and look at that through the eyes of an informed adult mind, from the safety of the relaxing hypnotic chair, supported by your therapist, the old fears just melt away and stay in the past where they belong. You are free and open for better solutions.
The hypnotic state is also brilliant in the resolution mode, after you solved your limiting fears and beliefs. Our subconscious minds hold memories from every moment of our lives, not only bad memories are stored, but also all the resources, all the good examples, brilliant ideas and creativity, every joyful moment we had, every loving smile we received, everything we ever learned. When in hypnosis you can draw from these resources with unlimited creativity to find new desired solutions and behaviours and rapidly implement them to replace the old habits.
The whole process is very rapid, because in hypnosis, in the deep trance, you can access with absolute precision the parts of subconscious mind which need to be changed, you can rehearse the new behaviour like in an accelerated dream, building it into a new habit in just a few sessions.
The extraordinary benefits of hypnotherapy go even beyond removing the obstacles and creating a desired lasting change. There is also this empowering realisation that you used your own power, your own resources. You realise that your unique being is much more than what you thought it to be. Now you know the power of your own mind and this enables you to face any future challenges with courage and trust.