Joanna Malinowska
Professional Hypnotherapist
Sydney Hypnotherapy & Self Hypnosis Centre

Hypnotherapy to Overcome Anxiety and Panic Attacks
When you experience anxiety or panic attacks it is important to choose a hypnotherapist who is not only an experienced professional, but also somebody who understands you and whom you can trust. The best way is to meet face to face and to see if you can connect, if you feel comfortable and supported. This is why I offer a free 30 minutes hypnotherapy consultation. You can meet me, you can discuss your issues, ask your questions and see if we click. No obligations to continue hypnotherapy.
Short descripion of all types of anxiety you can overcome with hypnotherapy
There are many forms of anxiety. Anxiety, including the strongest form of anxiety causing panic attacks is one of most common reasons clients seek my help.
Some forms of anxiety are very specific, like phobias, when a very strong, irrational fear is connected with specific situations, like approaching a spider, driving a car in the traffic, riding in the elevator, fear of flying etc. Phobia can be very strong, it can easily lead to panic attacks, even to losing consciousness in extreme cases. Phobias are very common and hypnotherapy is absolutely the best way to completely free yourself from the phobia, even if you were suffering from it through your whole life. Please read more on my page on treating phobias with hypnotherapy.
In my busy City practise I often see clients seeking help with their fear of public speaking or the fear of flying, and the results of hypnotherapy are always spectacular.
When the phobia is untreated, it may spread to different areas. For example, the original phobia can be the fear of heights, from that emerges the fear of flying, perhaps there was a panic attack during the flight, so now there is fear of panic attacks etc. This kind of anxiety is a bit more difficult to treat, because it disappears completely only when all the underlying phobias are treated. When treated with hypnotherapy, it just means a few more sessions.
Sometimes clients feel anxious or have panic attacks in nonspecific situations, like early in the mornings, or when going to bed, they do not even know what causes those fears. There is agitation, sometimes strong physical sensations in the body most of the time. This form of anxiety is called general anxiety. General anxiety is very often connected with social anxiety. There could be mild social anxiety, which arises only when the person is performing in front of big group of people, or when dealing with the authority, or when meeting new people etc. Sometimes it is rather a social phobia, very strong social anxiety, when any encounter with other people leads to panic attacks. It may be so paralysing that people stay imprisoned in their house, unable to leave.
Very often anxiety is caused by some traumatic event ( like war, accident, disaster, assault). It may be a single event ot even repeating trauma. There are reoccurring dreams or flashbacks of the event, constant tension, overwhelming anxiety in any situations related to the original trauma.
This is called a PSTD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). PSTD responds very well to hypnotherapy, but it is important to see an experienced and qualified hypnotherapist.
The anxiety is usually associated with other mental issues, especially with depression and low self confidence. This is like a circle, because when you feel "not good enough" and anxious, it makes you feel sad and not loved, so you are more depressed, the fears get stronger, they bring a lot of negative, obsessive thinking and it just goes out of control. Depression and anxiety are very often connected with sleep disorders and eating disorders.
The constant anxiety is very difficult to bear, so some coping mechanisms are created. Everything is better than the feeling of dread; some people become obsessive, they may develop OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). The may be washing their hands for hours, or keep checking if the door is locked, or they may develop obsession with health or food. The original fear is usually deeply buried underneath the obsessive thoughts, and the anxious feeling is dealt with by unreasonable activity. The other ways to cope is to eat rapidly big amounts of food (binge eating) and drinking or smoking, or some other addictions. For milder anxiety it may be nail biting or other unwanted habits.
The anxiety very often shows physical symptoms, the same as prolonged stress (some clients call their anxiety stress; milder anxiety and stress are very similar).
Panic attacks are experienced as strong anxiety, a paralyzing dread, with feeling out of control. Clients experience different levels of panic attacks; there are usually strong physical symptoms, most common rapid heart rate or palpitations, changes in the breathing, it may become fast and shallow, sometimes it is difficult to breath, there could be heaviness or pain in the chest, the hands and legs may shake, sometimes there is heat on the face or neck (and some people blush), strong sweating, sometimes coldness. There could be a strong tension in the body, the muscles in the neck and shoulders usually tighten strongly, also the muscles on the head, it may lead to dizziness. Sometimes the panic attack is causing more fear than the original situation, it may feel like heart attack, sometimes people faint.
How hypnotherapy will help you to overcome anxiety
There are many ways of solving anxiety with hypnotherapy. Many forms of anxiety, like specific phobias, can be solved very easily, as they usually have a cause in the past which can be easily accessed and neutralized while in hypnosis. The general anxiety or social phobia are more difficult to solve, because there are usually more reasons and very often associated with low self esteem and depression, which also need to be treated.
Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are the best tools for treating anxiety, and the anxiety can be solved in just a few sessions. This involves:
Teaching relaxation; hypnosis itself is the best tool to achieve the full body and mind relaxation, so even the first session brings strong relief
Dealing with the original causes and reasons for anxiety
Solving the fear of panic attacks (and this usually is solving panic attacks too)
Finding solutions for dealing with fearful situations and rehearsing them, making them work
Building confidence and self-esteem by accessing client's natural resources on the subconscious level
Couching for the future
How many hypnotherapy sessions will you need to overcome anxiety
Usually only 2 to 10 hypnotherapy sessions are needed, depending on the severity of anxiety and how many other issues need treatment.
The specific phobia may need only two hypnotherapy sessions, even if it is very strong and there are panic attacks. However, when the fears are not specific and the anxiety is associated with depression, self hate, eating disorder or OCD, more sessions are needed, because the real reason of anxiety is very deeply rooted in other mental issues and it is important to clear them all. It is sometimes difficult to imagine that such distressing issue affecting the quality of life on many levels can be lifted so quickly.
The first session is used to learn hypnosis and relaxation, and the benefits are experienced even in the first hypnotherapy session. In most cases there is strong improvement within the first 2 or 3 sessions, then the progress may slow down, but the changes become deeper, lasting, as the foundation for change is stronger.
Strong anxiety is a serious disorder, strongly affecting health and general wellbeing and often ability to work. The treatment I offer is very effective, one of the best available and therefore I offer a significant discount for the clients who experience real financial difficulties. I asses clients myself, because to qualify for the discount the client needs to be likely to really benefit from the hypnotherapy